Running on Empty? – It’s Your Energy That Will Transform Your Agency 

I’ve become a bit obsessed about energy lately…I was focusing so much on time, when I realised you need to tackle your energy first.

As an agency founder, you’re the engine driving your business so the energy you bring shapes your productivity, decisions and team momentum. 

Energy isn’t just stamina, it’s mental clarity, emotional resilience and creative power. So prioritising and sustaining it is key to achieving your agency’s vision.


Here’s how…


How Energy Fuels Agency Success


Energy is the key to your agency’s success. It sharpens decision-making, boosts leadership, fuels creativity and strengthens client relationships. When you manage your energy, you set the stage for sustained growth and better outcomes across the board through:


  1. Sharper Decision-Making
    Clear-headed, energised leaders make better strategic decisions. When your energy is depleted, your ability to assess risks and seize opportunities diminishes. 
  2. Stronger Leadership
    Your energy sets the tone for your agency’s culture. A leader who operates with enthusiasm and focus inspires their team to do the same. 
  3. Creative Problem-Solving
    Creativity flourishes when your energy levels are high. Breakthrough ideas often come when your mind is fresh and alert. 
  4. Sustained Growth
    Growing an agency is a marathon, not a sprint. Managing your energy ensures you have the stamina to tackle challenges while maintaining a clear vision for the future. 
  5. Enhanced Client Relationships
    Your energy impacts how you show up for clients. Being fully present in client interactions builds trust and fosters long-term partnerships.



Key Takeaways and Strategies to Maximise Your Energy

  • Prioritise Health: Move more, eat better and sleep! 
  • Set Boundaries: Protect your time and energy; delegate and say NO sometimes! 
  • Focus on What Energises You: Work on tasks and initiatives that motivate and recharge your energy.
  • Take Breaks: Just walk away from what you’re doing, even for a minute. 

Your energy is your power resource, so protect and prioritise it for better results.


Founder/ Strategic Marketing & Business Consultant
Studio White Marketing Consultancy


“Marketing is what I love, marketing is what I do”

Running on Empty? – It’s Your Energy That Will Transform Your Agency